Packington Nook Residents’ Association



Survey Results:

Packington Nook

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Make your objections: Lower Packington Road - Planning Application

Hallam have submitted their formal planning application for 70 houses on the field between Mill Farm and the football pitches, with an entrance opposite to Cambrian Way.

The full application and associated documents can be found on the NW Leicestershire Council Planning Website.  Click on this link, accept the terms and then search on "Lower Packington Road".  The application reference is 13/00694/OUTM.

There are numerous technical and strategic reasons why this development should not be allowed.  We have drafted this letter for local residents to form the basis of their objections to the planning application.

Download the objection letter by clicking here

Objections must be received by the council by 26 September 2013 either to the address at the top, or by email to



Older Planning Applications for the site

As well as taking their 1000+ homes application to the Planning Inspectors, Hallam Land also sought planning permission for 115 homes on part of the larger site, covering land between Lower Packington Road and Packington Nook Lane.  Once again, this land is still open countryside and outside the development limits of the town based on current planning strategy. 

At the meeting of the NW Leics Council Planning Committee, on Tuesday 4th August 2009, the council's planning officers recommended this application is refused.  You can see their report here.


You can view the PNRA objection to the 115 homes Hallam application here.  This is planning application reference 09/00473/OUTM ,
  • Covering letter [Download]
  • Detailed appendix with issues presented as questions for the planning officers [Download]

to view these documents you will need Adobe Acrobat reader.  Download that here.

You can view the PNRA objection to the earlier 1000+ homes Hallam application here.  This was planning application reference 08/01588/OUTM , which was the subject of Hallam Land's unsuccessful appeal to the Planning Inspectorate.  There are three documents as follows:
  • Covering letter [Download]
  • Detailed appendix with issues presented as questions for the planning officers [Download]
  • The Planning Inspectorate decision to refuse an appeal for a similar development by Persimmon Homes at Countesthorpe [Download]

to view these documents you will need Adobe Acrobat reader.  Download that here.

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